Celebrating 10 Years of Rewarding Community Engagement!

Join Us in Marking a Decade of Impact:

Union Capital is proud to celebrate its 10th anniversary! Over the past decade, Union Capital has activated the transformational power of social capital by rewarding community and civic engagement, curating community spaces to share resources, and training emerging grassroots leaders toward a collaborative vision of equity for all. As we reflect with gratitude on our achievements, we look forward to increasing our impact with the support of our collective community.

Our Journey and Achievements

Over the last ten years, Union Capital has:

  • Grown to over 4,500 Members in Boston and Springfield, MA

  • Tracked Members investing over 1.5 Million hours of community engagement

  • Awarded over $2 Million in Rewards

  • Invested in Grassroots Leadership Development for dozens of leaders facilitating community resilience

Our Vision for the Future

As we celebrate this milestone, we are more committed than ever to expanding our reach, developing new programs, and continuing to innovate. Our vision is that community collaboration cultivates equity for all. This means that Union Capital’s impact is two-fold: both individual, as members gain resources, employment, and tangible benefits, and community-wide, as our collective membership base engages in broader community improvement efforts, voter participation, and civic action.

10th Anniversary Campaign:

Help us raise $400,000

We have ambitious goals to deepen impact in our communities over the next 10 years. To celebrate this milestone and prepare for future growth, we are launching a campaign to raise $400,000 in 2024. Make a difference in our communities today by investing in the power of social capital through UC’s programming. 

Your support will: 

  • Establish strong roots in our new site in Springfield, MA

  • Expand our programming to more members, including young adults 

  • Increase our membership outreach, engagement, and leadership development training

  • Help us spread awareness about how social capital transforms communities 

Our Sponsors






Additional sponsorship opportunities are available!

10th Anniversary Events

Saturday, Oct. 19th

UC Talks 1-3 PM @ Hibernian Hall, Roxbury


Thursday, Dec 12th

10th Anniversary Celebration @ Westin Copley, Boston MA