You are the leader you’ve been waiting for!

Mission: Union Capital Boston’s leadership program believes that every member has the potential to be a leader. We provide opportunities to build the capacity to lead, resources to support initiatives, and recognition to empower our members to create positive change.

During your time in the UCB Leadership Program, you will gain skills that include learning how to: 

Participants in UC Learns will:

  • Explore their call to leadership

  • Explore different approaches to leadership 

  • Use public narrative strategies to share their path to leadership with others

  • Feel empowered and inspired to make a positive change in the community

  • Value the diversity of the community and the contributions of all people

  • Build collaborative partnerships throughout the community

Why Public Narrative?

Being able to share your public narrative will help you communicate the values you hold dear. Your stories have the power to inspire others and motivate them to take action. Each of our stories offer a snippet of who we are as people and shines a light on the things we care about. To be able to share your stories, who you are, why you do what you do, and where you hope your leadership will take you are some of the most important steps you can take in developing your capacity to lead.

Goals of the leadership programs

UC Learns (10 week program begins January 2025)
Applications will open November 2024.

To teach participants how to use their stories, through the use of the public narrative model, to inspire others to enact change in their community through their leadership.

UC Leads (postponed)

To prepare participants to inspire change in their communities. Participants will leave with practical knowledge and skills, ready to make meaningful contributions to their community. UCB Learns program completion required.

UC Facilitates (10 week program begins in September)

To equip participants to be leaders in their community, with specific attention to leading community-based learning and development. Facilitators will acquire essential knowledge and skills to effectively facilitate learning for members of the Union Capital community. Open to all Union Capital members in Boston and Springfield..

What You'll Learn:

  • Skill Building: Gain valuable insights into workshop design and facilitation, and acquire practical skills to engage and inspire your audience.

  • Confidence Boosting: Overcome any public speaking fears and build the confidence to share your knowledge and passion with others.

  • Workshop Development: Create a unique workshop concept with guidance from experienced facilitators, and refine your ideas into a compelling presentation.

UC Facilitates Applications close August 19.

UC Learns Applications available November 2024

Testimonial from a participant in the leadership program.