Happy 10th Birthday, Union Capital!
In honor of Union Capital’s 10th year as a nonprofit dedicated to community and connectivity, here’s a scrapbook documenting stories, pictures, and quotes from our birthday party on Monday, June 17th!
Members took time to color in cards and leave birthday wishes for UC.
Staff and Network Coordinators then led Table Talks, where members reflected on their journey with UC.
“I love learning that there’s people like me—it shows you that you’re not alone.”
We invited individuals from each Table Talk to share what they’d discussed as well as their personal stories.
“It just became a way of life, my community, my family.”
“Union Capital created a space that opens up to everyone, but specifically those that are not generally invited to the table. Then, those people turn around and create their own tables.”
“UCB is a spirit that moves through our communities and brings everyone together. When you join you don’t just become a member; you become a family member.”
“We have the power to bless others. We are responsible for sharing resources to people who need them.”
We closed the night out with some cake, a raffle, and one more speaker!
(P.S. Go Celtics!)
Happy 10th B-Day, Union Capital!
“We want to grow Union Capital. What’s next?”